Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another Look at My Guiding Principles of Technology

After working through this class and visiting many new websites, I have added a few new principles to my original list. I see believe in my list I created during the first week of class, but feel that there could be some additions.

These are my original guiding principles that I think are important for using technology in a high school classroom.

1. Using technology to enhance content learning for students.
2.Using technology to enhance content learning for the teacher.
3.Using websites that engage students in learning and not just to play games.
4.Having students use technology that they already know how to use and have an interest in (cell phones, texting, blogging, social networking, digital cameras)
5.To show experiments or procedures that would not be possible in a high school classroom.
6.Allow students to collect data and do research for inquiry based experiments.
7.Teach students how to find relevant sites, monitor students use of the technology, and provide feedback on better ways to use the technology.

New principles I have added after learning more about using technology in the classroom.

8. Be aware of copyright laws.
9. Have the students use the web tools to create their own projects instead of just having the teacher use the tools.
10. Use technology for students and teachers to collaborate on projects.
11. Create a professional learning network to help increase teacher knowledge and to be connected with other teachers.
12. Technology is not going away and student need to use technology appropriately to help them prepare for their future.

1 comment:

  1. Great additions. I like how a lot of the onus is put on the student in your updated list and how you provide for your own personal learning and support.
