Thursday, July 22, 2010

Class Discussion Reflection

It is encouraging to know that most of the teachers in the class have similar feelings about using technology in their classroom and how this class has opened our eyes to new web tools. Even though we are at different schools, teaching different levels, and have different access to some technology, we have had similar experiences with this class and what we can do with this new knowledge for the upcoming school year.

This class has given the teachers an opportunity to look at new websites and actually use them and discuss how we can use them in class. We usually don't have time for this searching during the school year. It was very helpful to read other classmates blogs and how they used the web tool. It encouraged me to also try the web tool or try it in a different way.

The concerns seems to be how to give equal access to technology for the students in the our class if they don't have computer access at home or time during the day to use it at school. Another concern is how to exactly implement some of the new tools and if there will be too much technical difficulty getting the tools to work.

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